Kurandza’s 2020 #IStandForGirls Campaign — Empower a Nation through Girls’ Education

Kurandza’s 2020 #IStandForGirls Campaign — Empower a Nation through Girls’ Education

I stand for her because she is capable of moving the mountains that have held others back.

I stand for her because she’s a force to surely be reckoned with.

I stand for her because the woman she will become is worth fighting for.

I stand for her because access to education will open doors for her to chase her dreams.

I stand for her because her dreams are worth it.

I stand for her because I have three daughters of my own and if their education matters, so does the education of a girl on the other side of our planet.


This month, one of my favorite non-profits is holding their fourth campaign fighting for Girls’ Education. Kurandza, who works specifically in rural Mozambique — a country where the drop out rates for girls are high and the graduation rates in general are very low for a multitude of reasons — knows the power of an educated girl.

When a girl gets an education, she’s more likely to make better choices for her mental, physical, and overall wellbeing. She’s more likely to go on to make a future for herself that involves something she’s passionate about. She’s less likely to be overlooked. More likely to get a job she can sustain herself and her family with. When a girl gets an education, she and those around her are more likely to thrive.

To date, Kurandza has sponsored more than 200 girls in Mozambique — girls who may have been overlooked because their brothers make more practical sense to send to school. (Click here to see all of their sweet faces!). Many of the girls were unable to attend school because of unaffordable tuition/transportation costs for their parents. Others couldn’t make the long (and therefore, dangerous) walk to and from school. Some didn’t go simply because sending a girl to school (especially secondary education) isn’t the norm. These girls vary in age, family background, and passions, but now they have access to an equal opportunity. When they enter into Kurandza’s holistic education program (it’s truly amazing - I’ve watched it evolve over three years), they now have the opportunity to thrive and realize their potential.

My girls may not know the effort it takes to walk miles to school each day, but I hope that one day, when they’re old enough, they value their access to education the same way Esmenia does and something as simple as getting to school safely is never taken for granted.

I’ve had the privilege of telling these girls’ stories for several years via Kurandza’s blog and through writing their stories and the back and forth with the Kurandza team members, I feel as if I know them and their stories personally. I feel immensely connected to their success, their safety, and their access to quality stepping stones.

For the 2020 #IStandForGirls campaign — following a year of incredible uncertainty (you can read more about that in a post I wrote recapping their year here) — Kurandza’s goal is to raise funds to increase their holistic educational programs (things like HIV/AIDs education and prevention, getting access to healthy meals, transportation, extra curricular activities and more), and to continue to support their existing 200 students that range from preschool to High School.

The education of these 200 girls will go onto impact 20,000 people. What’s more important than investing in the education of a girl? Click here to join the #IStandForGirls campaign and sponsor a girl’s education for the school year!

I’m proud to partner with Kurandza throughout the year both as a Sponsor and on a freelance basis — this post is part of that ongoing collaboration.

What questions do you have about their programs? I’d love to answer them or connect you with their founder!



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