The Slow Down: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Approach the Holidays with Intention
I’ve finally admitted it to myself — which for me, comes at a point when it’s glaringly obvious — I’m overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with a lot of things, but mostly, overwhelmed that it’s taken me this long to get overwhelmed. Ever the optimist, I can have a hard time seeing the trees, through the forest of events of 2020. This year has been one of growth, but it’s also been one of stagnancy…we’re stuck at home, in a pandemic that won’t let up, forcing ourselves into a mood of holiday decorum, when really, this is all unprecedented.
I’d be ok with a precedented event every now and then.
It’s strange that even though we’ve been mostly at home for nearly a year, “slow living” is as much of an enigma as ever. The words are a catchphrase, a trendy slogan meant to inspire people, but what does it really mean? What, especially, does it mean as we approach the holidays?
I believe that much like every other aspect of this life, the definition of slow living will look different from person to person, family to family, business to business. Figuring out its definition in your own life and sphere of influence is key.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you take stock with where you’re at on your own sliding “slow living scale”…I hope they can act as a journal prompt, or a mental check-in, during a time when we’re maybe as slow as we’ve ever been, but might be feeling more mentally cluttered than ever before.
What are my biggest stressors as Christmas approaches? How can I eliminate at least one this week?
What am I consuming? Does it motivate, inspire, fulfill me?
How can I adjust my expectations for the Holidays since they’ll likely look different than they have in prior years?
What ways am I incorporating Real Rest into my day to day?
What 3 emotions am I hoping to inspire in myself and my family?
These are questions that I’ve started asking myself about life as a whole, but it helps to ask them more specifically too, in relation to an event, relationship, or holiday.
Now let’s chat about question #2, because consumption is at it’s highest point for all of us around this time of year. We’re consuming more content, more products, more conversations…and it can be exhausting if we aren’t doing it with intention.
I chose to share about consumerism and slow living in a post that sponsored by a brand that embodies that ethos. At the heart of slowing down is a “less but better” mindset. Knowing what to pare down and what to invest more time/money/energy into is especially important as we are bombarded with ads, curation, and the “more" mentality. Harper the Label, a newly launched leather-goods brand embodies intention. They’re rooted in thoughtful design, practicality, and offer beauty within minimalism. A woman-owned and operated endeavor, Harper the Label seeks to provide their customers with thoughtfully designed pieces that will elevate their every day life, whether that is spent at home, running to the grocery store, or (eventually, we hope) trotting the globe.
This bag, their Storms will Roll Crossbody, is poetry in textile form. It has a literal poem inscribed on the strap that serves as a reminder of the beauty that lies within life’s storms — a thought I found particularly encouraging as 2020 unwinds itself.
“See how the grass gives in the wind? You are made of the same strength. The storms will roll and you will dance in the rain, keeping time with the thunder.”
Supporting brands like Harper the Label and the other ones found in my Lists is important because it forces us to slow. It forces us to consider where our time, resources, and style is going. We invest with intention, we curate our closets with care, we spend our hard earned money when we can, on brands that give back and give more. That’s my mantra this holiday season, unprecedence and all.
Which question above resonates most with you? I’d love to hear how you’re slowing down this season and whether it’s been a struggle for you as well!
*Thank you to Harper the Label for sponsoring this post. As always, sponsored content is handselected and all imagery, creative direction, and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make the world a better place.*