Is Zero Waste Shampoo for You? + A Shampoo Bar that Actually Works
This post is sponsored by Spring & Vine. All opinions are my own.
Yet another piece in my haircare saga: I’m back on the low waste shampoo train.
I wrote about Shampoo Bars as a part of my #InspiringZeroWaste challenge last year, and although I used my shampoo bar for nearly a year, I never really liked the way my hair felt after using them. My problem, I’ve learned, is that like any beauty product, there isn’t a “one-size-fit’s all” shampoo bar. I didn’t shop around and i didn’t check out other brands/varieties of bars. (I do, however, give myself credit for sticking with my original bar as long as I did…I’m nothing if not extremely stubborn).
So I’m on the hunt for the perfect low-waste haircare solution and aside from refilling existing bottles, shampoo bars are the simplest solution to this problem. Spring & Vine sent over 4 of their bars for me to test in my journey and I thought I’d use it as a chance to chat through what the bars are, how to use them, and why they’re just as effective as “normal” shampoo.
What Are/Why Use Shampoo Bars?
Well, it’s fairly self explanatory, but shampoo bars are just like bars of soap, but are specially formulated to work on hair. They can be full of toxic synthetics, like any product, but they can also be 100% organic and natural. I’ve never used a shampoo bar with synthetic fragrances or additives, but be sure to read the labels on what you buy so that you avoid all unnecessary ingredients that only serve as “fillers” to deepen your hair’s dependence on the product.
Spring & Vine uses only plant-based ingredients and all fragrances are from essential oils so I feel confident that the ingredients won’t mess with my hair’s chemistry or trick me into thinking they’re working when they really aren’t. (Yes, I have a very hard time trusting shampoo).
How to Use a Shampoo Bar?
Depending on your hair type, you’ll want to choose a bar that is formulated to address your particular “hair struggle”. I’m starting with Spring & Vine’s “Balanced Clean” bar with lavender and orange blossom because my biggest struggle is dealing with greasy hair a few days after washing (and by “a few”, I mean four…but I’d like to go at least 4-5 days in between washes in a perfect world).
Once you’ve chosen a bar, hop in the shower and lather it up like a normal bar of soap. Some recommend rubbing the bar directly on your hair, but I usually just lather it up in my hands and gently scrub it into my hair in layers — the bottom then the top. Making sure your hair is fully saturated is key.
Then I like to leave it on for a few minutes, and rinse. You can follow up with your favorite conditioner (there are bars designed to replace conditioner too if you want to double up on waste reduction) but it’s probably not necessary.
How much do they help?
If you’re on a mission to lighten your shower’s carbon footprint, shampoo bars are one of the easiest swaps, along with switching to a safety razor and a body bar. Shampoo bars use 90-100% less plastic than most shampoo bottles (quick disclaimer that Spring & Vine bars do come in a thin plastic wrapping in between the bar and the compostable cardboard box. This, the brand mentioned, helps with product safety in shipping.)
Since most shampoos are formulated with a host of synthetic ingredients, these ingredients are not only harmful to the planet to source, but they of course, end up in our water supply once they’re washed down the drain AND in our own bloodstreams as our biggest organ (our skin) absorbs all we put onto it. Using plant-based and organic products ensures that we aren’t harming the waterways or our internal systems. (source).
Shampoo bars truly are the most eco-friendly solution since they eliminate all (or most) plastic waste and are designed to last at least 2x longer than a traditional bottle, so you save money and resources too.
Have you ever tried out a shampoo bar? It’s worth the experiment!
*Thank you to Spring & Vine for sponsoring this post — all posts are only using products I actually love and use in my day to day life. Thank you for supporting the brands that make SL& Co. possible! You can find Spring & Vine at any Target or online here.*